The Heart of the Matter

Images Without Borders sells gallery-quality prints from images donated by world-class photographers, with all profits going directly to Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in support of their work to provide care and relief in Haiti and around the world.

Every image offered by Images Without Borders is as a limited edition of ten prints. Gallery Image prints are offered at $50 and $100. iPhotography Image prints are offered at $20 and $36. When ten prints of either are sold, the image will be retired from this special edition and price.

Please support our efforts. Purchase a print and invite your friends, favorite galleries, and interested collectors to visit our site.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Welcome to Images without Borders

Thanks to the contributions of nearly 100 fine photographers from around the world and the donations from Photoshelter, Bay Photo Lab, and Adorama Pix, we are able to make these fine art prints available to the public for a very low cost. This is a great opportunity to add or begin your photography collection and have access to the work of the finest photographers while making a substantial and ongoing donation to Doctors without Borders. The only overhead for this project remains the small cost of printing, some of which is being offset by our increasing list of generous donors.

Please support our efforts by buying a print or ten! It is important that supporters spread the word and the link to the website. If you can send out emails or Facebook and Twitter reports, it would be a gesture of the greatest help in moving this project forward.

We are very proud of our iphoneography gallery, which displays the latest cutting-edge artists working today in this new and rapidly expanding medium. For those on short budgets, the iphone work is offered at a smaller size and correspondingly lower price range.

Please contact us with any questions by leaving a comment here or on Twitter @IMAGESwoBORDERS, @laurabergerol, @Ithili.


Esther said...

Just uploaded a couple of pics! Congratulations and thanx for the opportunity to help.

Steven Reed said...

Could you please post photojournalist julie dermansky's web site or blog under your links? I have seen the work she is doing for you and I would like to see more.